Gitmo Prisoner, Torture Victim, Best Selling Author Seeks Freedom.

Loud & Clear show

Summary: On today's episode of Loud &amp; Clear, host Brian Becker is joined by investigative journalist Andy Worthington to discuss the state of the Guantanamo Bay detention center as one of its most well known detainees receives a court hearing today. However, as Mohamedou Ould Slahi has his day in court, his brother was barred from entering the United States. Will Obama's promise to close Guantanamo come to pass before he leaves office next January?<br><br>Brazil sees more protests demanding the removal of acting President Michel Temer. As impeached President Dilma Rousseff's supporters take the streets and the new government shows signs of cracking, will the slow motion coup against the Workers Party be brought to a halt? Becker is joined by Aline C. Piva and Juliana Moraes of Brazilian Expats for Democracy. <br><br>Another poll shows that Americans consider both the Democratic and Republican primary systems to be deeply unfair, including the system of closed off primaries and super delegates. Is the system completely rigged? Political analysts Kazembe Balagun and Eugene Puryear join Becker to discuss just how undemocratic America's voting system is.