Reaching the Clients You Are Meant to Serve with Michael Port – Episode 11

In the Arena Podcast with Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |Business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |Revenue |Profits show

Summary: When it comes to making any kind of presentation, from a keynote address to a crowded hall to the one on one sales presentation that could push your sales numbers over the top of your annual goals, you’ve got to know what you’re doing if you want to be effective. On this episode of In The Arena Anthony taps the experience and knowledge of one of the best presenters in the business, Michael Port. Michael is a classically trained actor who’s moved into the entrepreneurial world by authoring some incredible books and creating incredibly helpful tools to equip those who speak or present for impact. You’re going to enjoy this refreshing interview.<br> <br> <br> Overcoming dyslexia to build his own entrepreneurial business.<br> When you first hear that Michael Port was a successful classically trained actor before he became an entrepreneur and speaking coach, you may think that he had all the advantages he needed to make that transition happen successfully. But you would be wrong. His struggle with dyslexia made it difficult for him to learn anything new in rapid fashion but it was his determination to overcome the voice of his inner critic and bring something of value to the world that enabled him to push forward. If you have that struggle against your inner critic you will learn a lot from Michael in this conversation as he talks about how to encourage the “inner hero” who can help you get moving in your best direction. Be sure to listen.<br> What is marketing - really.<br> When it comes to marketing most people feel that the tried and true definitions and approaches are what they need to adopt. But Michael Port says that when he began studying the marketing approaches of the last century he felt a bit uneasy taking it all in wholesale. He discovered the source of that feeling of unease when he realized that many of the tactics we follow in modern marketing were created by crooks who only wanted to manipulate people into purchasing things that weren’t always good for them. Michael talks about his departure from traditional marketing and how he’s forged a new path for himself on this episode, so be sure you listen to learn what marketing with integrity really looks like.<br> <br> <br> How to find your ideal clients using the “Red Velvet Rope.”<br> Michael Port realizes that every beginning business or entrepreneur has to build a client base so that revenue can begin coming in. It’s natural and it’s part of the process. But over time it’s important to narrow your focus to serve your ideal client, the one you are able to serve with the highest degree of output and integrity, AND the one who brings you the most life and energy through your interaction with them. He calls this the process of establishing a “red velvet rope” policy that excludes some potential clients and invites others into the exclusive club of what you offer. You can learn how he fashioned this approach and how it could translate into your business endeavors, on this episode.<br> How you can improve your next sales presentation.<br> Any time you are presenting to others your goal is to make a connection on an emotional level. It’s not touchy-feely stuff, it’s the normal way that human beings establish rapport and build trust. If you can’t do that you’ll have a very difficult time making the sale, even if you know all the facts and features of your newest service or widget backwards and forwards. Michael Port says that the emotional and vulnerable aspects of what he learned from acting are what make up the vital aspects of every presentation, whether on the stage or in the sales office, and on this episode he gives some important tips for how you can build the kind of emotional connection that will increase your sales numbers over time.<br> <br> <br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [0:41] Anthony’s introduction to Michael Port and this episode.<br> [2:20] The harsh reality Michael was faced with when ...