Up Your Game: Networking Your Way To The Top with David Bradford – Episode 36

In the Arena Podcast with Anthony Iannarino | Sales | Marketing |Business Coaching | Sales Management | Teamwork | Success |Revenue |Profits show

Summary: You’ve heard about networking. You’ve been told that you need to make connections. But sometimes those ideas can take on a negative tone simply because it sounds like hitting people up for favors or help. David Bradford doesn’t see it that way at all. He believes that the foundational principle for effective networking is giving expecting nothing in return and on this episode of In The Arena he tells story after story of how that principle has proven to bring some of the greatest and most lucrative connections he’s made in his business career. You won’t want to miss this.<br> <br> <br> You must develop a bent toward taking action.<br> David Bradford believes that his disadvantaged childhood taught him that if things were going to happen in his life, he was going to have to take action to make them happen. His bent toward action has paid off throughout his long business career and he’s a master at teaching others what it looks like and how to enact the principle of action taking in their own lives. On this episode you can hear how David lives out the action principle every day and how he uses it to make connections that bless people and benefit him.<br> There is value in every connection you make.<br> It’s easy, and probably a natural part of human nature, to categorize people into boxes in our minds. We think of a person as a “low level player” or upstart when the reality is that where they are now says nothing about where they will be in the future. It’s important, for that reason, to be an asset to everyone you connect with, being that person who helps them on the way as they build their life. Those kind of intentional actions enfuse the relationship with value and trust that goes both ways - and in time it can reap incredible rewards. You can hear how David Bradford makes that type of connecting a priority in his life as he discusses his book, “Up Your Game” with Anthony Iannarino.<br> <br> <br> Giving with no thought of getting as the key component to networking.<br> David Bradford has learned through the years that other people are interesting and engaging and anything he can do to help people is worth the effort. It’s in helping people that trust and good feelings are developed, and those are the things that enable people to remember you, want to be of benefit to you, and think of you when something that is within your realm of specialization comes across their path. You can hear how David Bradford teaches others to follow the principles and the effect it has had in his life, on this episode.<br> One of the key aspects of effective follow up.<br> When you make a new connection it’s important to follow up with the person after the fact. Doing so can set you apart from everyone else. But more so, the way you follow up can cause you to stand head and shoulders above anyone else. How do you do that? David Bradford says that you have to put some thought into your follow up to make it personal, mentioning something you spoke with the person about or something they mentioned. It’s that kind of personal touch that makes connections more real, more human. You can find out how to become a better connector, on this episode.<br> <br> <br> <br> Outline of this great episode<br> <br> [0:50] David Bradford introduction.<br> [2:44] How David’s childhood shaped his principles of taking action.<br> [4:38] The way David manages his contacts in email, LinkedIn, etc.<br> [7:13] How David saw value in a relationship and capitalized on it.<br> [8:22] Giving with no thought of getting: a key component of networking.<br> [10:20] David’s experience speaking to college students and what it showed him about having a bias for action.<br> [12:03] The power of emotional capital - what is it? How to use it?<br> [16:14] What it means to show up and what it accomplishes for you.<br> [20:37] The 24 hour follow up rule David follows and how he personalizes it...