Should Christians vote for Trump? Christina Rees, John Zmirak, Eric Metaxas & Tony Campolo

Unbelievable show

Summary: <br> <div style="color: rgb(33,33,33); font-family: 'Segoe UI', 'Segoe WP', 'Segoe UI WPC', Tahoma, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15px; background-color: rgb(255,255,255);"> <br> <p style="">As the most bitter and controversial US election in history approaches its conclusion, Justin is joined by Christians of varying political persuasions. Donald Trump's nomination has split evangelicals, but Hillary Clinton is also disliked by many in both parties. Former chair of Women And The Church, Christina Rees debates with John Zmirak, senior editor at conservative blog <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;"></a>.  </p> <br> <p style="">We also hear from Trump supporter Eric Metaxas, and Hillary supporter Tony Campolo.</p> <br> <p style="">Get the MP3</p> <br> <p style="">For Premier Christianity magazine's coverage of the US election: <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;"></a> </p> <br> <p style="">For Women and the Church: <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;"></a>  </p> <br> <p style="">For John Zmirak: <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;"></a> </p> <br> <p style="">Can We Agree To Disagree? Dialogue event 14 Nov: <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;"></a> </p> <br> <p style="">Order Unbelievable? The Conference 2016 DVD/MP3CD &amp; Digital Download <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;"></a> </p> <br> <p style="">For more faith debates visit <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;"></a></p> <br> <p style="">Join the conversation: <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;">Facebook</a> and <a href="" style="color: rgb(239,51,64); text-decoration: none;">Twitter</a></p> <br> <p style=""></p> </div>