CSP 034: The Informed SLP

Conversations in Speech Pathology show

Summary: We all strive to be better clinicians and adhere to using best practices whenever possible. This process requires us to keep up on the literature. But keeping up isn't easy. For one thing, there are too many journals and papers to sift through. What's more, consuming research can be expensive if you don't work at a university (or aren't a student at one).<br> <br> Meredith Harold can't allay all of our research anxieties, but she's here to help! <a href="http://www.theinformedslp.com/">The Informed SLP</a> is a monthly newsletter that distills the most important/noteworthy studies likely to make an immediate impact on our practice. Clinicians can look over her summaries and then decide which papers to pursue further. What a concept!<br> <br> In today's episode we cover:<br> <br> * Meredith's unconventional career path<br> * Why Meredith started The Informed SLP<br> * The divide between clinicians and researchers<br> * Language sampling, a crazy thought experiment, and more!<br> <br> Please check out <a href="http://www.theinformedslp.com/">The Informed SLP</a> if you haven't already. Meredith also started a <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/theinformedslp/">Facebook</a> group and can be followed on <a href="https://twitter.com/TheInformedSLP?lang=en">Twitter </a>here.<br> <br> Finally, if you aren't receiving occasional emails from me and remember signing up in the past, feel free to register again on my <a href="http://www.conversationsinspeech.com/">home page</a>. I had some accidental purging of my email list.<br> <br> Thank you and happy holidays!<br> <br> Jeff<br> <br>