Must-Know Cantonese Social Media Phrases #15 - At a Family Reunion

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Summary: Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Traditional ---- 阿偉: 最緊要一家人齊齊整整。 Tommy: 唔該唔好tag我。 陳業生: 原來你屋企有咁多人,好熱鬧。 威仔: 好多潮童喎,你D姪嚟㗎? 小儀: 好耐冇見佢哋,大家睇嚟都好精神! ----English---- aa3 wai5: The most important thing in life is to have the whole healthy family together and peaceful. TOMMY: Please don't tag me. can4 jip6 sang1: Didn't know you have such a big family, so lively. wai1 zai2: There're a lot of hipsters there, are they your nieces and nephews? siu2 ji4: Haven't seen them in a long time, everyone looks great! ----Jyutping---- aa3 wai5: zeoi3 gan2 jiu3 jat1 gaa1 jan4 cai4 cai4 zing2 zing2. TOMMY: m4 goi1 m4 hou2 TAG ngo5. can4 jip6 sang1: jyun4 loi4 nei5 uk1 kei2 jau5 gam2 do1 jan4, hou2 jit6 naau6. wai1 zai2: hou2 do1 ciu4 tung4 wo3, nei5 D zat6 lei4 gaa4? siu2 ji4: hou2 noi6 mou5 gin3 keoi5 dei6, daai6 gaa1 tai2 lei4 dou1 hou2 zing1 san4! --------------------------- Learn Cantonese with CantoneseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Cantonese Language Learning Resources!