Be Like The Bee

Nouman Ali Khan show

Summary: O my Lord! expand me my breast; Ease my task for me; And remove the impediment from my speech, So they may understand what I say<br> [20:25-28]<br> The way Muslims thinks is different from everybody else and the reason of that is the book of ALLAH. It shakes the way that we think. As a matter of fact what I want to start with is the aayah of surah mulk, where people are entering into hell fire. And the crime for which they are entering is being asked from them as they enter. And so they respond like, <br> <br> "If only we had been listening or reasoning, we would not be among the companions of the Blaze."<br> Now, here let’s stop there for a second, listening to what, listening to revelation , listening to the message, listening to the reminder, listening to the advice; that part everybody knows. But it doesn’t say “wa naqilo” in the aaya it says “aou naqilo” which means, and the word “aou” in the Arabic means “or”. So it becomes “have we listened “or” have we thought” and the application here is, have we listened or “at least” have we thought. The purpose of putting things in this way is very powerful. On the one hand the Muslim will learn something when he or she listens, we listen to a khutba , we listen to a reminder, we listen to a lecture , you read something even and you learn and you take advice from that, and may be change yourself for the better at least you should, because listening the good advice and not changing is one of the reasons these people end up where they end up. They just refuse to listen, actually listening has two dimensions, on the one hand it’s just something going in your ear and on the other is actually applying, listening actually complying with it. This is true for the Arabic language and also true in English. When you say I tried to tell him, I tried to give him advice but he didn’t listen to me, which doesn’t mean that he did not hear me it means he did not obey what I was saying, he didn’t comply with me. So listening has this duality. But the letter that I am about to high light is “or” and outside of that the Muslim is supposed to be constantly thinking and he has plenty of reason to think, even he is not sitting and listening to a sheikh teaching him something. We are constantly people of thought, and what makes us think are aayat. The purpose of the aayat: <br> - La allakum yatafakaroon<br> - Li qoumin yaqiloon <br> - La allakum taqiloon<br> - Li yaddabaru aayati <br> So they can think deeply about the aayat, they can reflect on the aayat, and the aayat not just of the Quran but the aayat of the creation all around us. When you look outside at sky you are supposed to think about something, when you look at a tree outside, you and I are supposed to think, that’s what a Muslim does. We think differently about the same thing everybody else sees. They all see it too and we see it too, but when we see it we see something else. We see an opportunity to think to reflect.<br> So today’s khutba is actually about one thing that gets overlooked, that Allah SWT wants us to think about that he wants us to really reflect on, and this is difference between when we read the Quran just as the surface level we just read the Quran and we just move on, or we stop to think about what actually Allah subhana wa taala is saying. He says in this remarkable aaya , <br> “wa aoha rabbuka ilal nahl, “<br> Allah revealed, your master revealed.<br> When you say “aoha rabbuka” it’s kalaam to Rasool Allah SAW , by master revealed he is thinking that he revealed Quran, he revealed revelation at him, isn’t it. But Allah Azoujal in this particular aaya says I am not talking about you, I am talking about the bee , the honey bee. Your master, the same master who revealed Quran to you is the one who revealed something to the honey bee. Think about that for a second. A honey bee is something insignificant to most of us . you don’t see it every day,