Clinton’s Health, Trump’s Alt-Right Support, and Other Election Unpredicatables

The Federalist Radio Hour show

Summary: Robert Tracinski, senior writer at The Federalist, and Byron York, chief political correspondent at the Washington Examiner, discussed the weekend news surrounding Hillary Clintons health, Donald Trumps deplorable supporters, and the medias conflicting coverage of both campaigns. The media and the Clinton campaign have created a fog that actually raises more questions about why Hillary Clinton cannot be upfront about her health, Domenech said. The problem for the Clinton operation is now they have burned through a significant amount of trust with the people who like her the most and thats members of the media, who have been her defenders in the public square. More than once, the Trump campaign has shared content and memes generated by the alt-right on social media. This is a gaf-free election. Nobody can commit a gaf because theres nothing thats bad enough to actually impact the race, Tracinski said. Everybody is doing so many bad things that nothing stands out enough. Byron York said he expects the upcoming debate between Clinton and Trump to offer surprises and that the Commander in Chief forum didnt offer much of a preview. You have to weigh the obvious unpredictability of this race... against some of the solid, immutable factors we know, York said.