Ep 002 - Clutter, The Other C Word

This Organized Life show

Summary: Welcome to This Organized Life…with Organizing Expert Laurie Palau - This weekly podcast is designed to give you a glimpse into my organized, but not-so-perfect world as a mom, professional organizer and founder of (http://www.simplyborganized.com/) - Today we are talking about Clutter, the other “C Word”. - How Do You Define Clutter? - 3 Types of Clutter: Physical, Emotional, and Calendar - What is your dominant source of clutter? - Take our Clutter Quiz to find out (https://bx245.infusionsoft.com/app/form/3dc5ab2900c804d8702b8024fe37f4a3) - Listen to the full episode HERE or Check out our BLOG to read more (http://www.simplyborganized.com/2016/11/28/3-types-of-clutter/)