Episode 37: Screen Time – with Dr. Tracy Bennett

Digital Dads show

Summary: Screen time. If you’re a parent you know exactly what I’m talking about. We all know instinctively that our kids are probably using their devices too much. And we aren’t necessarily always setting the best example ourselves.<br> Sometimes we may even “plug in” our kids just to get a little peace and quiet. Or maybe a quick nap on the weekend. And truth be told the time spent with personal technology is not all bad. But like most things, too much can become a problem.<br> This week we go off the rails with Dr. Tracy Bennett of <a href="http://getkidsinternetsafe.com" target="_blank">Get Kids Internet Safe</a>. She was super smart AND super funny. We know you love to be entertained while you learn and she brings it in spades.<br> She helps us learn to set boundaries and keep our sanity at the same time helping us build those ever important relationships with our children. And its those boundaries and relationship that will help us move to <a href="http://getkidsinternetsafe.com/blog/conversation/" target="_blank">conversations about screen safety</a>.<br> Plus she finally admitted she likes Star Wars. So Andrew said I didn’t have to cancel the interview. Enjoy.<br> Dr. Bennett’s GKIS Resources<br> <br> <a href="http://getkidsinternetsafe.com/quickstartkit" target="_blank">Quick Start Kit</a><br> <a href="http://getkidsinternetsafe.com/blog/pigmom/" target="_blank">Pig Mom article</a><br> <a href="http://getkidsinternetsafe.com/blog/cyberbullies-rats-and-online-predators-two-things-you-can-do-to-protect-your-kids-from-online-dirtbaggery/" target="_blank">Cyberbullying article</a><br> <br> <br> One Cool Thing<br> <br> * Dr. Tracy Bennett – Jar Jar look alike goat<br> <br> <a href="http://digitaldads.fm/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/unnamed-4.jpg"></a><br>