Episode 75: Round Table – Is Spanking Your Child OK?

Digital Dads show

Summary: Spanking your children is a very polarizing topic. Some people are completely against it while others think it’s a necessary part of raising respectful children. Needless to say it can be a very emotional topic as it relates to raising our kids. In this episode we got together a group of dads to weigh in with their thoughts on the subject.<br> <a href="https://ctupa.com" target="_blank">Christopher Tupa</a>, Eric Ketzer, Ryan Brown, and <a href="http://d20dark.com" target="_blank">Chad Munn</a> join us as we discuss the pros and cons of this taboo topic. We discuss the recent event of the <a href="http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2016/06/24/woman-who-spanked-her-children-with-belt-after-she-caught-them-stealing-gets-arrested-and-sets-off-firestorm-of-debate/" target="_blank">lady who got arrested for spanking</a> her sons…. after they broke into a neighbor’s house and stole property. And the <a href="http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/21/482973049/video-of-chinese-bank-employees-being-spanked-prompts-suspensions" target="_blank">bank in China that spanked employees</a> as discipline for poor performance.<br> There were strong differences of opinion but I’m happy to report everyone came away friends. We encourage you to do your own research and of course respect your choices on how you raise your children. It is our intent to get you to think about how you parent and introduce you to perspectives of others facing similar challenges.<br> Join the <a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/digitaldadsfm/" target="_blank">Digital Dads Round Table</a><br> [Resources]<br> <br> * <a href="http://time.com/the-discipline-wars-2/#charting-discipline" target="_blank">Time Article on Spanking</a><br> * <a href="https://www.positivediscipline.com/" target="_blank">Positive Discipline</a> (book)<br> * <a href="http://alankazdin.com/the-kazdin-method-for-parenting-the-defiant-child-with-no-pills-no-therapy-no-contest-of-wills/" target="_blank">The Kazdin Method for Parenting Defiant Children</a> (book)<br> <br> One Cool Thing<br> <br> * Andrew – <a href="http://lifehacker.com/teach-your-kids-how-to-code-with-minecraft-or-star-wars-1743019747" target="_blank">Coding with Minecraft and Star Wars</a><br> * Brent – <a href="https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/octopusbyjoy/the-icon-based-watch-that-young-kids-can-read-and" target="_blank">Octopus Icon-Based Kid’s Watch</a><br> <br>