Episode 24: Edit Your Financial Fears

Edit Your Life show

Summary: Money is a hard topic for so many people. There’s fear, there’s baggage, there’s “what the heck is this financial martian speak?” In Episode 24 of Edit Your Life, Christine interviews investment professional Sandra Gilpatrick about how to edit your financial fears. They cover common stumbling blocks, the intersecting issue of fear and time, how to gain financial confidence, favorite financial literacy resources, the 3 top financial goals to focus on now, and how to find a financial adviser you actually like. Do you have a question, comment, or show topic idea for us? Would you like to sponsor an upcoming episode? We’d love to hear from you via facebook.com/edityourlifeshow, by tagging your Instagram or Twitter posts with #edityourlifeshow, or via edityourlifeshow@gmail.com. You’ll find show notes for this episode, including links to resources we’ve mentioned, at edityourlifeshow.com.