How to Lose Those Last Few Pounds Without Resorting to Dieting Tactics

Foodist with Darya Rose, Ph.D show

Summary: Overall Libby is happy with her healthstyle. She stopped dieting, focused on Real Food, and cut out most of the processed foods (sugars and refined grains) from her daily habits. Her energy is up, her body is happy, and the chronic headaches she's suffered from for years have abated. While she feels great from these changes, Libby has only lost one pound over the last couple of months and in her perfect world she would lose another 5-10 pounds. This brings up an interesting question: Is it okay to keep trying to lose weight even if you're already pretty healthy? How can you accept yourself as you are and continue to strive for improvement? Many people making the move from dieting for external reasons to embracing health to align with your own personal values come up against this issue. From a behavior perspective the actions you take to achieve health and those you use to restrictively diet can look very similar. The subtley is in how you frame your values, goals and actions in your own mind that makes the difference. It's a tight rope to walk and there is a lot of nuance in the process. I believe it is possible to accept yourself as you are and still strive to optimize for your goals and values. In this episode Libby and I discuss the importance of psychology in this process, as well as the practical strategies she can use to continue to work toward her goals. Once you listen to the show I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments. For complete show notes visit