005: Why Is Eating Healthy So Hard?

How Does She Do It? | Practical Insight & Honest Perspective on Being Grown show

Summary: Let me start by saying this: I am just a woman who likes cupcakes, cookies, and rice, and still wonders why I don’t have abs.<br> This week’s Just My Thoughts was inspired with this <a href="http://www.upworthy.com/the-dear-black-girl-project-was-for-black-women-so-heres-what-a-white-woman-wrote-on-facebook">Upworthy article</a> about a letter writing campaign titled Dear Black Girl  by <a href="http://www.thebeautifulproject.org/home/index.php/about-us/the-beautiful-project/">The Beautiful Project</a>, a non-profit based in North Carolina.  The project asked black women to write letters to inspire and encourage young black girls, which they have started posting on <a href="http://www.thebeautifulproject.org/home/index.php/blog/">their blog</a>.  I read one and was amazed at how another woman’s reflections and experiences could mirror my own.<br> In this episode, I share my struggles with trying to eat healthy, why I care so much (for starters, I follow way too many healthy recipe and fitness accounts on IG), failing the #Whole30 by lasting an amazing 12 days, some of the benefits, and how I am trying to make sustainable changes.  I am hoping to:<br> <br> * Make a daily commitment and conscious decisions about what I eat at each meal.<br> * Meal plan. And I don’t mean the 37 tupperware containers filled with pale chicken brand of meal planning, either.<br> * Do what is best for me and my goals, after doing research and seeking insight from others.<br> <br> Here are 2 articles I referenced in the show:<br> <a href="http://www.tomrath.org/figuring-taxes-easier-eating-right/">Tom Rath on Eating Healthy </a><br> <a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-clear/achieving-health-goals_b_3053607.html">James Clear – Sticking to Healthy Habits</a><br> If you have a question you would like answered on the show, a topic suggestion, or feedback, please send an <a href="http://www.howdoesshedoitpodcast.com/contact/">email</a> to tiffany@howdoesshedoitpodcast.com.<br> And don’t forget to share, rate, and review!<br> Follow me on twitter <a href="http://www.twitter.com/tiffsouth">@tiffsouth</a> and the show <a href="http://www.twitter.com/howdoes_shedoit">@howdoes_shedoit</a>.<br>