The Power of the Eternal Now | Living in the Moment

Inspirational Living: Life Lessons for Success, Happiness, Motivation, Spiritual Growth, Self-Help & Positive Thinking show

Summary: <p>Listen to episode 50 of the Inspirational Living podcast: The Power of the Eternal Now (Living in the Moment). Adapted from How to Stay Young by Christian D. Larson. <br><br><strong>Spiritual Podcast Excerpt</strong>: <em>The forces of the mind will create and express every quality or condition that is held in consciousness. This is one of the most important of all metaphysical laws, because it is principally through this law that you determine what your personal life is to be. <br><br>A true conception of time is extremely important in placing the mind in the proper attitude towards the laws that govern your being; and this true conception is based upon the principle that time IS. Time neither comes nor goes. It is the movements of nature that come and go, not time. What we call time is but the now of eternity, and this now is eternally in the now; therefore there can be no passing of time. <br><br>It is only in the now that you can live. You can live neither in the past nor in the future. You may think of the past or the future, but you can live only in the now. To train the mind to concentrate the whole of attention upon the great eternal now is to develop the consciousness of the "isness" of the now, and to consciously feel that its purpose is to eliminate the consciousness of age completely....</em> </p>