2015 Lowy Lecture - General (Ret.) David Petraeus AO

Lowy Institute: Live Events show

Summary: 2015's Lowy Lecture was delivered by General (Ret.) David Petraeus AO on Tuesday 2 September. General Petraeus is one of the most outstanding US generals of recent times. He commanded coalition forces in both Afghanistan and Iraq with great success. He also served as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency until 2012. He holds a PhD in international relations from the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton University. General Petraeus remains an influential adviser to US policymakers and, as Chairman of the KKR Global Institute, one of the leading thinkers about geopolitical developments and America’s role in the world. The annual Lowy Lecture is the Lowy Institute's signature event each year, at which a prominent individual reflects on Australia’s role in the world and the world’s influence on Australia. Past Lowy Lecturers have included H.E. Dr Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Rupert Murdoch AC, Executive Chairman of News Corp; Lionel Barber, Editor of the Financial Times; and Prime Minister John Howard OM AC, who delivered the inaugural Lowy Lecture in 2005.