Common Investor Questions (Part 1) | PREI 044

Passive Real Estate Investing show

Summary:  <br> <br> <br> <br> We get asked a lot of great questions from real estate investors and our clients.  On this episode I invited one of our Investment Counselors where we both provide answers to some of our most common investor questions.<br> <br> And if you missed last week's episode, be sure to listen in to better understand how to predict real estate prices.<br> <br> Enjoy the show!<br> <br> - - - - - - -<br> <br> Download your FREE copy of:  The Ultimate Guide to Passive Real Estate Investing.<br> <br> Get your FREE coffee mug by leaving us a Rating and Review on iTunes.  Here's how.<br> <br> See all our available Turnkey Rental Properties.<br> <br> Please give us a RATING &amp; REVIEW   (Thank you!)<br> <br> SUBSCRIBE on iTunes  |  Stitcher  |  Podcast Feed <br> <br> <br> Common Investor Questions (Part 1)<br> On today's show, we're going to do something a little bit different. I've never had one of our investment counselors on the show before. This is the first time we're going to do that. I'm going to bring on one of my investment counselors. His name is Steve. A very sharp, smart individual. He's helped a lot of our clients to date. We thought we'd do something a little different. I think what I'm going to do going forward is have the occasional frequently asked question podcast episode. What we'll do is we'll cover three or four questions on each one of those episodes that we get asked by our clients on a regular basis. <br> <br> Steve, welcome to the show.<br> <br> Good to be here. Thanks for having me, Marco.<br> <br> It's my pleasure. Steve, tell us a little bit about yourself and just share a little bit of your background with our listeners.<br> <br> <br> <br> I'm Steve. I love real estate. It's probably the first thing I think about every morning when I wake up. That might be a bit of a problem. I like it that much. I've been in real estate my whole career and involved in a lot of different capacities. A lot of buy and hold on single-family. I've even done some assignment deals on raw land. I've done a ton of wholesaling. Back then, I used to own a franchise that all we did was wholesale and flip properties. I learned a lot doing that business. It brings a lot of value when I work with Norada clients on what to look for and what to watch out for in a property because I'm good at reading inspections and pointing out what matters, what doesn't matter and sorting through all the things that happen in a real estate deal. It's pretty amazing. On a typical turnkey deal, you've got ten, eleven, twelve people that all have their hands on that deal. It's a miracle it turns out as well as it does, as often as it does considering all the moving parts. That's what we do. I enjoy that, I enjoy making deals and helping people acquire properties. I've been in this business literally my whole career in one capacity or another.<br> <br> You have a lot of experience. I think you're being a little bit humble because I know you have done a lot more than what you're talking about and you've done a lot of rehabs from a remote distance. You've been an active real estate investor in a market that's not local to you. You've been very successful with that. You've seen all those moving parts and you've seen the good, the bad, the ugly, dealt with bad contractors. I don't know if you ever lost money on a particular flip, but I think we've all experienced that at some point if you're in the game. <br> <br> Losing some right now.<br> <br> I'm sorry to hear that. <br> <br> It's not a lot, but sometimes they just don't go the way you planned. It's a particular property in Memphis, Tennessee. Probably you’ll lose a little bit of money, a couple thousand dollars, but that's part of the risk that you take. I've heard a lot of people say this and I totally agree with it: Flipping properties and wholesaling properties really ...