195. A Special Podcast Episode: Helping Sassy Outwater

Smart Podcast, Trashy Books: Reviews, Interviews, and Discussion About All the Romance Novels You Love to Read show

Summary: If you've been following us on social media, you might have seen that there's a crowdfunding campaign to help Sassy Outwater. Sassy's got ongoing medical craptitude, with seizures and medication changes and brain cancer "afterparty" as she calls it, all sorts of stuff that interferes with everything, including her ability to work. Setting up crowdfunding was a very difficult decision for her, and I wanted to give her the opportunity to explain in her own words what's going on, and why it's happening. Special warning: you might cry if you're a sympathy crier. I am and I totally did. We also talk about our next dream form of support currency (hint: it involves some nobility) and the heroes that are getting her through all the bleak moments. The Helping Sassy campaign is going on now at bit.ly/helpsassy, and any support is much appreciated. She also mentions WECHope.org, or or World Eye Cancer Hope, dedicated to helping children worldwide who are diagnosed with retinoblastoma. As Sassy mentioned, if you read, listen, share, talk about or support her campaign, she is deeply thankful, and has unlimited love for you and for the romance community.