MAG 44 Tightrope

The Magnus Archives show

Summary: Case #9790302<br><br> Yuri Utkin. Incident occurred in the village of Algasovo, central Russia, November 1952. Statement given 2nd March, 1979. Committed to tape 15th April, 1997. Gertrude Robinson Recording.<br> …<br> Special thanks again to Ian Hayles for editing assitance with today’s episode.<br> Please do take the time to visit at 9AM GMT on 28th Dec 2016. The 12 hour livestream is for a great cause and any donations people are able to make are welcome, particularly at this time of year.<br><br> If you haven’t already, be sure to visit in order to subscribe to us using your podcast software of choice and be sure to leave reviews online.<br> If you want to get in touch with us, feel free to tweet us at @theRustyQuill, drop us an email at or comment on our dedicated Forums available at<br> For more information visit www.RustyQuill<br>