Ten Commandments of Health for 2017

PALEO JAY Smoothie Cafe show

Summary: <br>  <br> JayWalk.JayTalk-10 Commandments of Health for the New Year!<br> December 31, 2016<br> |<br> JayWalk<br>  <br> 1. EAT REAL FOOD- this may seem obvious to you- "Of course I eat real food, what other kind is there? Well, in our modern, processed food jungle, there are all too <br> many fake, "food like substances" that really don't qualify as food. Such as fast food, genetically modified and engineered substances like modern wheat, vegetable oils and margarine that are industrial seed oils only fit for machine lubricants, all kinds of candies and soda pop and artificial sweeteners and I can't even begin to list them all! Just remember: if it's from a bag or a box, it's probably not real food.<br> <br> 2. Drink a Green Smoothie Daily. "Well that doesn't sound very Natural or Paleo!" I can hear you say. Sure, you can just eat about a pound of greens, cruciferous veggies, some berries, every day. And you and put turmeric and coconut milk on them, wash them down with green tea mixed with ginger, and also quaff some kefir mixed with kelp powder... but wouldn't it be easier by far to just put them all in a Vitamix for a week's worth all at once, put in canning jars in the fridge for breakfast each day? Or even to make a daily one in a Nutribullet each day?? Besides, it saves a LOT of chewing, and all the fiber is still all there.<br> <br> 3. Sleep 8 hours per night. This does't sound too sexy or earthshaking either, does it? But, that is just the point- there really important things that you do on a regular, daily basis, make all the difference in your health and wellness. And sleep is every bit as important as our next commandment, although no one brags about it like they do:<br> <br> 4.Exercise Daily. This includes stretching! Everyone loves to talk about how much, and how avidly, they exercise! Or, almost everyone. Especially those who exercise too much- the crazily chronically cardio, who seem to think the most important thing in life is to burn more calories than anyone else! (It's not- we are human "chemical factories", not machines, that only run on calories burned. Our complex systems run on hormones, amount of muscle and bone built, and most of all on NUTRIENTS. We need high quality, natural, REAL FOOD. (See Commandment #1)<br> We all need strength work, walking (preferably barefoot), along with some cardio- however, if you do high rep bodyweight resisted exercise, you are combining strength work with 'High Intensity' cardio, all together. Skip the weights, (along with the long distance cardio) and try this instead!<br> <br> 5. Meditate and/or Pray. They are much the same- by putting practical, immediate conscious thought away for a time, we commune through our unconscious self-our subconscious mind- that part of us that represents our truest self, with the divine and with that Nature that is all around us. 10 - 20 minutes per day is adequate for most, and just like adequate sleep, it enables us to be our best selves.<br> <br> 6. Cultivate Your 'Tribe'. Now, your tribe could be lots of things: your family and relatives, your neighbors, your church body, or even a close group of good friends. Or any combination thereof; only you know who is truly important to you. Don't let them slip away! We are all social people, and an individual without a tribe is a sad thing, destined for unhappiness and dissatisfaction with life.<br> <br> 7. Do Not Eat Fake Foods. This is the antithesis of commandment number 1, which is so important we need to point out its negative side- bad processed foods. "Love your body as you love yourself"- don't load it with various poisons and anti-nutrients that will compromise your health, leaving your vulnerable to auto-immune and other diseases. Skip the Oreos, the jelly-belly's, Taco Bell and McDonald's, chips and doodles. They really do destroy health, just not right away. Like cigarettes, they have been chemicalized and loaded with all sorts of enticemen