What are your OCR Training and Racing Plans for 2017?

The Natural Running Network Live show

Summary: We thought that for THE NEW YEAR we would open up the phone lines and take calls from YOU! For one hour LIVE! We will, take your calls, we want to know what your plans are for the new racing season, be it trail racing, Spartan Racing etc., it’s an unvarnished opportunity to share with the listening audience, what you’ve learned from last year’s experiences, what you plan to do differently or whatever else is on your mind. Share your goals and how you plan to achieve them. What mistakes did you make that you hope to correct? What if any Lifestyle resolutions have you made? OCR Running Coach and Clinician Richard Diaz and his wing man OCR Pro Miguel Medina go live at 12:00 noon pacific standard time.   If you are a fan of the show or “first time callers” we want to hear from you!  www.naturalrunningnetwork.com