​Bring on the Brazil Nuts!

Diet Science show

Summary: Brazil nuts are a little-known superfood, packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and heart-healthy fat.   Listen in this week as Dee ​​​talks about the many benefits your body can reap from a small serving of Brazil nut, plus a super taste recipe too! Link to​ Brazil Nut Parmesan Sprinkle:​ https://mccaffrey.websitetoolbox.com/post/brazil-nut-parmesan-sprinkle-vegan-glutenfree-dairyfree-yummy-for-any-tummy-8383125?pid=1294537224 (https://mccaffrey.websitetoolbox.com/post/brazil-nut-parmesan-sprinkle-vegan-glutenfree-dairyfree-yummy-for-any-tummy-8383125?pid=1294537224)