Must-Know Chinese Social Media Phrases #14 - Talking About Your Baby

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Summary: Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 静: 我的萌宝宝还知道对着镜头笑呢! 丽: 好可爱! 新新: 真想捏捏它的小脸。 若兰: 笑得真坏。 涛: 超级宝宝! ----English---- jìng: My adorable baby even knows to smile at the camera! lì: So cute! xīn xīn: Really want to squeeze its little face. ruò lán: Such a wicked grin. tāo: Super baby! ----Pinyin---- jìng: wǒ de méng bǎo bao hái zhī dào duì zhe jìng tóu xiào ne ! lì: hǎo kě ài ! xīn xīn: zhēn xiǎng niē nie tā de xiǎo liǎn 。 ruò lán: xiào de zhēn huài 。 tāo: chāo jí bǎo bao ! ----Traditional ---- 靜: 我的萌寶寶還知道對著鏡頭笑呢! 麗: 好可愛! 新新: 真想捏捏它的小臉。 若蘭: 笑得真壞。 濤: 超級寶寶! --------------------------- Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources!