Odd Man Returns: New episode

Podcasts – Friday Night Freakshow show

Summary: It’s only fitting that our main man returned on Friday the 13th, given he is a bit of an Odd duck himself and has always had a strange and unusual type of luck surrounding him. Odd went mostly commercial free in this episode, except for showcasing his recent commercial work for Yvonne Mason. He has started an audio production company called Oddio Productions and is helping new clients with their audio production needs. 10 years in the business is serving him well.  Friday Night Freakshow also had a new artist played on it’s airwaves. Kenji Savage is an emerging rapper/hip-hop artists out of Arizona. Odd and him go way back to high school. His music is reminiscent of the hey day of rap and hip-hop with a lyrical mind similar to Hopsin in that there is a lesson and message behind his lyrics. We also debuted a new track from our old friends Corporate Sellout they have been kinda quiet, retooling and redefining their sound. The 3 track EP they sent over is full of mellow groove vibes, nothing abrasive or overwhelming. We expect to have more coming from CS before the end of the year.