45. The Search Part 1

The Rules of Acquisition: A Star Trek Deep Space Nine Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to Season Three of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine! What happened in between seasons? Ch ch ch changes! The Defiant is finally here! New cast members? Who is and who isn’t here to make friends? Stepping on Odo's ... feelings. This episode is well paced. Again, reflecting on S2 problems. How long until we get Majel Barret's voice on our digital assistant devices? Sisko scenes. Jake scenes Jadzia's hair game. "Let’s not make it a race thing" … how self aware are these writers? Full Emo Odo Rogue planet Where did all these melty Eric Trumps come from? Are we still talking about the Viet Cong? And Finally! Introducing a new segment! Voicemail! Capers and The Extendables! Give us a call! 917-408-3898