BCYL Advent Calendar 15th Dec - Shaun Barker - Christmas Meditation

Barker & Bates: Bootcamp Your Life - Coaching | NLP | Hypnotherapy | IEMT | Self Help | Motivation | Mindset | Action Planning | Mindfulness show

Summary: <br> Day 15 and your lesser known host shares a christmas themed meditation. If you haven’t meditated before, or are an experienced meditator, just sit down and relax for 11 minutes with this fun and festive relax track, filling your earholes (not with alcoholic custard or visions of decapitated snowmen).<br>  <br> Subscribe on iTunes<br> <a href="https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/barker-bates-bootcamp-your/id1139453089">https://itunes.apple.com/ca/podcast/barker-bates-bootcamp-your/id1139453089</a><br>  <br> Contact Shaun<br> <a href="https://bootcampyl.podbean.com/mailto:shaun@newleaftherapy.co.uk">shaun@newleaftherapy.co.uk</a><br> <a href="http://www.newleaftherapy.co.uk">www.newleaftherapy.co.uk</a><br> <a href="https://twitter.com/sbarker158">https://twitter.com/sbarker158</a><br>  <br>