Company Reinventing The Walker- A Design That Went Unchanged For Over 70 Years- Co-Founders of Motivolife is On The Positive Phil Show

Positive Phil show

Summary: Two entrepreneurs/co-founders of the startup, Motivo, just reinvented the walker. A design that went unchanged for over 70 years has finally been updated. That's right: Gone are the days of hunching over a flimsy aluminum-tubed walker with awkwardly-added sliced-up tennis balls for glide assistance. Jennifer Harris and her design partner, Jeremy Knopow, have made a mobility breakthrough for an aging generation. A simple point here: The Motivo business is, for all intents and purposes, still a startup. And its first new product - the Tour, will see a market opportunity where we expect to see the Boomer care-giver population pay closer attention to their parents as they age - and, they'll be seeking new and innovative solutions for better quality of life. In addition to designing this recently-patented and game-changing product, Jennifer and Jeremy are also running the business and bringing the very first Motivo Tour off the production line now in October.. Special Offer: * Right now, sign up for for this SPECIAL OFFER * 4-Week Trial * Plus a $110 Bonus Offer – including postage and a digital scale * Don’t wait! * Go to before you do anything else We Chat: Why has this particular kind of product gone un-changed for so long? And, why now - what's inspired you to make this redesign? Can something as simple as a walker really restore a sense of dignity? Positive Phil Show is a daily podcast hosted by Entertainment Consultant Positive Phil. Daily Podcast Interviews With Positive and Inspiring Entrepreneurs The program primarily consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Strategies, Advice and Stories to Inspire Your Life and Business  Inspirational messages to people everywhere as a contribution toward promoting good values, good role models and a better life. We welcome passionate and positive people… Itunes Link: Subscribe: Stitcher Radio: Google Play: