TotTP Episode 032 – Better Call . . . Someone

Toe on the Trigger show

Summary: Episode 032 - Better Call  . . .  Someone<br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> <br> <br> <br>  <br> After<a href=""> a strange phone call</a> from Mike, Daniel decides to make the episode work regardless of his absence. So, this episode is a compilation of some memories.<br> <br> There are times when you have to try something . . . different, and Mike may have found something that tickled his fancy. <a href="">Mouth Rape Yoga</a>, or getting head while the giver sleeps. This, he did to his ex-wife, and Shaft can definitely relate. <a href="">[From Episode 016 - Mouth Rape Yoga]</a><br> <br> Daniel accidentally fed <a href="">habeñeros</a> in the breakfast for some disabled clients in the group home he worked for; apparently winning him the award for "Hitler of the Year". <a href="">[From Episode 019 - Big Piece of Dough With a Pussy]</a><br> <br> Mike goes into a rant about lazy homeless people mooching off the system . . . even though <a href="">they pay Mike's salary</a>. [<a href="">From Episode 015 - Bums Pay My Salary]</a><br> <br> Some women have a <a href="">vagina like worn out shoes</a>. This not okay. Also, talk about dating sites, including a site that you can swipe right or left on naked pictures. <a href="">[From Episode 022 - C U Next Tuesday]</a><br> <br> Meanwhile, in Mike's Single Life, monogamy is the watchword, and Mike is laying all the <a href="">smooth moves and smooth words</a> on the ears his suitor. A new bit is introduced - "Name Daniel's Sex Persona" after a brief discussion about how Daniel talks like a black man during sex. <a href="">[From Episode 011 - Los Nazis]</a><br> <br> Check out clips of the show <a href="">here</a>:<br> <br>