Microsoft Surface Studio Review

The Technology Geek Podcast show

Summary: <p>Today on the show we review the new Microsoft Surface Studio the i5 and the i7 model. We get into swipekey boards and curved display monitors. We talk about the Microsoft Insider Program, Gears of War 4, cloud storage and much more...</p><br> <p><strong>Join Me Today As We Discuss</strong></p><br> <p>Microsoft Surface Studio</p><br> <p>Gears of Wars 4</p><br> <p>Swipe Keyboard</p><br> <p>HD Displays</p><br> <p>Microsoft Insider Program</p><br> <p>Offline Mode On Netflix</p><br> <p><strong>We Answer Your Questions</strong></p><br> <p>What brand of PC should I buy for the holiday?</p><br> <p>How should I deal with ransomware?</p><br> <p>Is mifi hotspot better then using your phone as hotspot?</p><br> <p>Movies to DVD websites are they good?</p><br> <p>Can I message with Signal?</p>