October 30, 2016 - Reformation Sunday - Prophets, Priests, and People

Sermons from St. Petri (ELCA) show

Summary: You can find this week's readings at this link: http://www.workingpreacher.org/?lect_date=10/30/2016&lectionary=nl The prophet Elijah and the priest Martin Luther held something in common: they were called to speak an uncomfortable truth to the political and religious powers of their time. But they were also called to speak a word of hope and mercy to the people of their day - and so are we. If you like this podcast, please subscribe and give us a rating! For more information about our ministry at St. Petri Evangelical Lutheran Church, please visit http://www.stpetrilutheran.weebly.com For more information about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, please visit http://www.elca.org