32: The key to understanding social media marketing

Home Energy Design show

Summary: <br> Todays guest is Sheena White. In short, Sheena is a social media strategist and copywriter. But honestly she is more than just that. She is a heart-centered entrepreneur who specifically helps women in their small businesses’ so that they can maximize the power of social media and increase their success rate in the online marketing world.<br> Holy cow as an entrepreneur myself, there just never seems to be enough time in the day. No joke, I spend at least 2-3 hours a day just contributing to the FREE content on my blog and website. Whether it’s blog articles, my newsletters, free ebooks, free classes or my podcast, I’m churning out a lot of content – and I’ve been doing it for over seven years! It can be overwhelming especially if you don’t know where to focus your efforst.<br> Online marketing can be a tricky game. 1) you have to understand the marketing animal 2) you have to navigate an industry that is ever-changing 3) the rules of the game are changing daily.<br> So what did I do? I quit my newsletter. If people wanted ground breaking FREE info they could just visit my blog. Why on earth did I want to create yet another earth shattering form of media, that would honestly get a low conversion rate and probably never even get read? At least on my blog the content lives for ever and I’m in control of when it hits the trash, right? <a href="http://gatesinteriordesign.com/the-key-to-understanding-social-media-marketing/">{click here to read more}</a><br>