LPunk Lament:: Beyond Thunderdome

Théâtre Électrique show

Summary: The LPunks live beyond the endless loop of ancient 21st Century technology with no syncLok to any tik-tok Neotek device :: LPunks run away from home to avoid contact with their parents’ digital devices :: They live in Haight Ashbury, San Francisco or in Camden Town, London :: The LPunks like robots better than people, because robots don't bleed as much when you bash them in the face :: The LPunk preference for social media is sitting in a pub chatting directly with friends, no matter how dull or boring they may be :: The only acceptable form of communique, when a friend is not present, is walking slowly to a Western Union office and sending a telegram in Morse Code... LPunks live on cookies and milk or cookies and double cream when they can afford it... The LPunks favorite film is “Mad Max :: Beyond Thunderdome” and their favorite song is “We Don’t Need Another Hero” by Terry Britten… Musique Mécanique par le Théâtre Électrique :: Learn more about LPunks in "Declan Guy and the Chronographic Sky."