Uploaded Call: John Adams Afternoon Commute, guest Andrei Znamenski

Hoax Busters: Conspiracy or just Theory? show

Summary: Conversation with Andrei Znamenski, author of Red Shambhala: Magic, Prophecy, and Geopolitics in the Heart of Asia. We discuss the misunderstanding of the beliefs of Tibetan Buddhism and religions in general in modern times, The New Age use of Tibetan Buddhism, The use of religions in particular time periods and their ultimate internally orchestrated destruction. Why and how is this done? Is it happening now with today's dominant religions to make way for Tibetan Buddhism? Theosophy, Bahai Faith, Transcendental Meditation and suggestibility. Commute Music: Shangri-la by The Kinks http://www.amazon.com/Red-Shambhala-Magic-Prophecy-Geopolitics/dp/0835608913 https://www.youtube.com/user/maguswest