Call 333-Hoax Busters: It's Call Three Hundred and Thirty Three!

Hoax Busters: Conspiracy or just Theory? show

Summary: The TSA,California visit, Chemtrail Schmuck, The Nuke Hoax, Edwin Corley, The Jesus Factor, Memory Courses, iTunes ShmiTunes, Sean calls from the Bernalillo County lockup to discuss various connections among the elite, John Adams joins in and so does Johnny from Illinois,W. Averell Harriman,David Rockefeller, William Luther Pierce III, Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller,Franklin Delano Roosevelt,Charles Darwin, Charles Galton Darwin,Amanda Jay Mortimer Burden,William S. Paley,Gregory Bateson, Dr. Harvey Cushing,Stanley Grafton Mortimer, Jr.,Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman,John Jay, Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, Leland Hayward, Winston Churchill, Dennis Hopper, Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney,Mark Oliver Everett, The Strokes, Al Gore.