John Adams Afternoon Commute, w/ guest Pearse Redmond

Hoax Busters: Conspiracy or just Theory? show

Summary: John and myself join Pearse Redmond ( an excellent discussion on Scientology,L Ron Hubbard, Jack Parsons, OTO, OSS, MKULTRA, Occult Rituals,The Agape Lodge, The CIA, Hollywood,Going Clear, David Miscavige,Tom Cruise, Alvin Karpis,Naval Intelligence, The Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Psychiatry, Hypnotism, Marjorie Cameron, Operant Conditioning,Satanism, Charles Manson, Candy Jones, The IRS, The Golden Suicides, Artificial Intelligence,Ingo Swann, Harold Puthoff, Uri Geller, Stanford Research Institute, Operation Snow White, The Homunculus, The Moon Child, The Cult of the State,Arnaldo