#29 The Takeover (REBROADCAST)

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Summary: Thomas Oscar is an Australian teenager who tried to make the most boring Facebook group possible - a group where members pretend to be corporate drones in a non-existent office.<br><br><br>The Facts<br><br>Karen Duffin is a producer at <a href="http://thislife.org/">This American Life</a>. You can find more stories by Karen Duffin <a href="http://www.karenbduffin.com/">at her website</a>.<br><br>Our theme song is by the mysterious <a href="https://breakmastercylinder.bandcamp.com/">Breakmaster Cylinder</a>.<br><br>Our ad music is by <a href="http://buildbuildings.com/">Build Buildings</a>.<br><br><br>Further Reading<br><br><a href="https://www.facebook.com/groups/GenericOfficeRoleplay/">You can check out the Stackswell and Co. Facebook page here.<br></a><br><a href="http://www.fastcompany.com/3036728/office-roleplay-meet-the-people-who-pretend-to-work-at-an-office-together-for-fun">Read a story about Stackswell and Co. from Fast Company here</a>.<br><br><br>