#31 True Crime

Sampler show

Summary: "True Crime" is perhaps the most talked about genre in podcasting but it's also a type of podcast that Brittany just can't stomach. Tracy Clayton of <em>Buzzfeed's Another Round</em> joins the show to discuss her love of these shows.<em> </em>Plus, Brittany talks to the creators of the only true crime podcast she's been able to enjoy.<br><br>And a warning: since this episode is about true crime, the content may be disturbing to some listeners. There will be descriptions of sexual assault and violent crime, so please proceed with caution.<br><br><strong>Episode #31 features clips from the following shows (please click below for hyperlink to episodes):<br></strong><br><em>Sword &amp; Scale</em>, <a href="http://swordandscale.com/sword-and-scale-episode-61/">Episode 61<br></a><br><em>Criminal</em>, <a href="http://thisiscriminal.com/eitheror-3-18-2016/">Episode 39<br></a><br><a href="http://www.apmreports.org/in-the-dark"><em>In the Dark </em></a>by American Public Media<br><br><strong>The Facts:<br></strong><br>This episode was produced by Sarah Abdurrahman, Kate Parkinson-Morgan and Brittany Luse.<br><br>It was edited by Annie-Rose Strasser and Peter Clowney<br><br>Our theme music was made by Micah Vellian and our ad music was made by Mark Phillips.<br><br>Additional music in the show was by Phil Stancil and Bobby Lord.<br><br>The show was mixed by Matthew Boll.<br><br>Sampler is a production of Gimlet Media.<br><br><strong>Our Sponsor:<br></strong><br><a href="http://www.blueapron.com/Sampler"><em>Blue Apron</em></a> (Get your first two meals for free using <a href="http://www.blueapron.com/Sampler">http://www.blueapron.com/Sampler</a><em>)<br></em><br><a href="http://www.audible.com/Sampler%20"><em>Audible</em></a> (Go to <a href="http://www.audible.com/Sampler%20">http://www.Audible.com/Sampler</a> to get your first book free!)<br><br>