Episode #83: Melissa Averionos

While She Naps with Abby Glassenberg show

Summary: <br> <p>On today's episode of the While She Naps podcast we’re talking about <br> quilting, painting, and living a creative life with my guest <a href="http://www.melissaaverinos.com/">Melissa Averinos</a>.</p><br> <p>Melissa Averinos paints, makes quilts, and writes craft books.</p><br> <p>She<br> won a Judge's Choice Award at QuiltCon 2015 for her quilt 'face #1' and<br> won Best In Show at QuiltCon 2016 for her quilt 'My Brother's Jeans'.</p><br> <p>Melissa<br> travels nationally to teach her signature class ‘Making Faces with <br> Melissa’ at quilt shops, guilds and retreats such as QuiltCon and Craft <br> Napa. Melissa is the author of <a href="https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&amp;text=Melissa+Averinos&amp;search-alias=books&amp;field-author=Melissa+Averinos&amp;sort=relevancerank">seven books</a>. Her first coloring book for C&amp;T Publishing, <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Awesome-Town-Coloring-Poster-Book/dp/1617455423">Awesome Town</a>, was released in September of 2016.</p><br> <p>Melissa’s newest fabric collection YUMMIES for Me+You, a division of Hoffman California, will debut at Fall Quilt Market 2016.</p><br> <p>+++++</p><br> <p>This episode is sponsored by <a href="http://www.indygojunction.com/category-s/4060.htm">Indygo Essentials</a>. Indygo Junction’s founder Amy Barickman has architected a new boutique apparel brand, Indygo Essentials.<br> <br> Watch the <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RROVQrrC7UI">Essentials video</a> to see the six current patterns and use coupon code WSN22 for 20% on your entire order. Be sure to sign-up for <a href="http://www.indygojunction.com/Articles.asp?ID=264">Indygo Junction’s newsletter</a> to receive a free pattern each month and stay up-to- date on new pattern releases.</p><br> <p>+++++</p><br> <p>Get the show notes for this episode on my blog, <a href="http://www.whileshenaps.com" title="">whileshenaps.com</a>, where you can also sign up for my email newsletter to get the best in sewing, blogging, and small business delivered right to your inbox each week. <br> <br></p>