FT10 – Understanding Why People Are Predictably Irrational With Dan Ariely

Foreword Thinking - The Business & Motivational Book Review Podcast show

Summary: Welcome to episode #10 of Foreword Thinking – The Business and Motivational Book Review Podcast presented by HarperCollins Canada. Dan Ariely’s first book is the now best-selling, Predictably Irrational - The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decision. We had this conversation a couple of months before the book came out and took the world by storm. The book is fascinating and the conversation is amazing. Did you know that we repeatedly and predictably make the wrong decisions in many aspects of our lives and that research could help change some of these patterns? As a behavioral economist, Dan Ariely studies how people actually act in the marketplace, as opposed to how they should or would perform if they were completely rational. His interests span a wide range of daily behaviors such as buying (or not), saving (or not), ordering food in restaurants, pain management, procrastination, dishonesty, and decision making under different emotional states. His experiments are consistently interesting, amusing, and informative, demonstrating profound ideas that fly in the face of common wisdom. Enjoy the conversation… Show Notes Running time: 24:27. Welcome to Foreword Thinking - The Business and Motivational Book Review Podcast presented by HarperCollins Canada. Subscribe to the show over at iTunes. Please join the conversation by calling the comment line: +1 206-350-5671 (note: this is a long-distance call). Please send in questions, comments, suggestions - mitch@forewordthinking.com. Always visit the website - www.forewordthinking.com. Connect to me through my Facebook profile or LinkedIn too. Upcoming conversation with: Beau Fraser co-author of Death to All Sacred Cows: How Successful Business People Put the Old Rules Out to Pasture. Michael E. Gerber author of The E-Myth – Awakening The Entrepreneur Within. We hope you enjoyed episode #9 with Beth Lisick. In Conversation with Dan Ariely. Dan’s best-selling book is, Predictably Irrational - The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions. The conversation runs about 19 minutes.