Some Thoughts On What’s Coming

Live Abundant Radio with Doug Andrew show

Summary: Which Way To Go? Are you concerned about America? About its economy and what may lie ahead no matter how the election turns out? Many people are feeling somewhat confused as to what to do. Few of us could have dreamed about the kind of decisions we're currently facing. It can be difficult in deciding which way to go. We've painted ourselves into a corner of sorts through a combination of government spending and the printing of money to cover the deficit. The national debt has doubled in the past 8 years and now if every American taxpayer had to write a check to cover their fair share of the national debt, we'd all have to cough up just under $200,000 a piece. How did we get here? If you're feeling powerless and are wondering what you can do, you cannot sit back, paralyzed, and watch things get worse. You have to take action. Frogs In a Pot We're like a frog in a pot of water that's heating on the stove. Over time, the frogs become acclimated to the gradual temperature increase until they eventually end up being boiled. We're not so different from those frogs in how we're being slowly cooked. The heat is constantly being turned up on us through increasing taxation and more government regulation. The key here is to not allow ourselves to become paralyzed or to procrastinate. If we don't jump out of traditional tax-deferred vehicles like IRAs and 401(k)s, we may find ourselves in a situation we can no longer escape. With roughly $23 trillion saved up in IRAs and 401(k)s, there's no question that our national government is eyeing those funds with the intent of taxing them to raise revenue to pay interest on the national debt. Those rising taxes will make a drastic difference in whether the folks to whom those accounts belong to will have enough money to see them safely through their golden years. Many folks could find themselves paying higher taxes at retirement than they were paying during their earning years. Their deductions are generally gone and the rates aren't going back down. You don't have to suffer or worry about outliving your money if you can safely jump from the pot before the water boils. Instead of accumulating their money in tax-deferred vehicles, <a href="" target="_blank">they'd be wise to consider</a> tax-free alternatives that have been around for more than a century. This approach to getting out of the pot is based in realism as opposed to pessimism. Start by <a href="" target="_blank">visiting with a wealth architect</a> today. *Life insurance policies are not investments and, accordingly, should not be purchased as an investment.