Adding the Spices: Applying the Text, Part 1

Insight for Living Canada Daily Broadcast show

Summary: <a href="/library/all/scripture/psalms?field_scripture_chapter_start=139" title="Discover more resources on Psalm 139">Psalm 139:1-7, 139:23-24</a> / <span class="date-display-start">October 14</span>-<span class="date-display-end">18, 2016</span> <p>We have previously spent time learning about observation, interpretation, and correlation in the process of learning how to get into the Word for ourselves. Now, we come to the crowning part of the learning process—the application of God’s truth to our lives.</p> <p>From the Series: Searching the Scriptures: Find the Nourishment Your Soul Needs</p> <p><a href="">read more</a></p>