#002 Political Discourse - 5 Steps To Keeping Your Relationships With Friends & Family

The Mind Candy Podcast show

Summary: <br> Having a Open Mind: Be solid and have conviction for what you believe in but have an open mind for new prospective!<br> Willingness to Learn: Being able to learn new things from a different angle or prospective will help you have a stronger conviction for things you may already believe in or it may help you rethink your current understanding to better shape it.<br> Tolerance: It’s okay that your views differs from that of your family and friends, that is the beautiful artful tendencies life. This is what makes this world and this country great.<br> Respect: Having respect for yourself, your family and friends will serve you well in keeping those amazing relationships before you knew their opinions. You value them before, now that you know them deeper you should value them even more. Nothing has change in how they treat you and love you other than you know something new about them.<br> Love: Not much you can say about this because this is something that is innate in each of us. Love will most often conquer all negativity, the worst of the worst people in our society can’t resist love or act of kindness. Civility will always trump hate.<br>