Social Influence Platform | Co-Founder Owen De Vries of Tip Talk Chats WIth Positive Phil

Positive Phil show

Summary: TipTalk is a messaging platform that connects fans with their favorite stars and influencers in a variety of categories from fashion and beauty to sports or finance. Help Encourage Positive Values By Clicking The Following Link Our Mission Is To Spread Positive Values and Inspiring Stories of Entrepreneurship. Please Support Our Positive Podcast. In return… We Will Give You and Your Company Visibility Through Podcast Sponsorship and Social Media Marketing. Today we chat with Owen De Vries, Co Founder, COO FreshBooks is offering a month of unrestricted use to all of our listeners ­ totally free right now.... and you don’t need a credit card for the trial. ● To claim your free month, go to and enter POSITIVE PHIL in the “How Did You Hear About Us?” section. It is the only platform that offers influencers a safe and direct channel to respond to fans on a one-on-one basis, while monetizing their time and expertise. Influencers set their own “price” for engagement and fans purchase credits to participate in conversation, ask for expert advice or to request personal photos or video messages. Influencers are able to keep the money they earn or donate a portion or all to a charity of choice. We Chat About The Following: What does it mean to have a positive social impact? How do you stay positive? What suggestions do you have for balancing work and social life? ‘’The program consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community. Itunes Link: Subscribe: Stitcher Radio: Motivating Stories for Personal and Professional Growth. Real Stories /True Success Positive Phil is an American based podcaster. He started the Positive Phil Show in March 2009. Production of the Positive Phil Show, a showcase podcast for Positive Individuals and Companies. Positive Phil Show is a daily podcast hosted by Entertainment Consultant Positive Phil. The program primarily consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders.