Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed & Suzy Meszoly energetic healer & homeopath

Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed show

Summary: Rev Suzy Meszoly DSH, CHHC, Suzy has been teaching workshop classes on the healing arts, the chakra system and spiritual living in New York and internationally for over twenty years. In 2000, she founded “The Art of Energetic Healing School” and has taught the one year course now to hundreds of students, both in the NY area and through webinars worldwide. Suzy has founded and organized several reoccurring events. Find out more about Suzy here: and  and on youtube: LOVENOWMENT and Love Now Movement this episode Q&A includes: • the original crystal wand- To help strengthen vaginal muscle, fascia and tissues... • midwife reports virtually no problems when pregnant women drink nourishing herbal infusions.. • when we drink nourishing herbal infusions we stop being so critical of ourselves.. • bacterial infection in the bladder after antibiotics- corn silk, slippery elm, marshmallow, comfrey- soothing and nourishing.. • plantain is a wonderful vulnerary- heals wounds and skin quickly- if wound is deeper and ulcer is forming use honey.. • sudden vision issues- communicate with your eyes and rest them on something beautiful.. • one herb at a time to understand how our bodies are in relationship with each other. • hawthorn tincture in earl grey tea with honey and goats milk.. • use motherwort in small doses when you need it- do not transfer your anxiety into taking motherwort tincture excessively.. • keeping it simple has a powerful effect on us emotionally.. • hawthorn for the aging heart..