#202: The California Drought and Soil Conditioning with Annie Haven of Authentic Haven Brand

Vegetable Gardening show

Summary: MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE US A REVIEW ON REDDIT In this "can't miss episode", Mike interviews Annie Haven of Authentic Haven Brand about the California drought.  Annie is smacked dabbed, right in the middle of this national tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes in real time. Annie gives us her first hand account of the issues she faces as a life long rancher in California, and how she is learning to cope with severe water restrictions.  She'll also give us a look into some of the power players involved in trying to solve the problem and why what they are proposing will only make matters worse. You won't want to miss this informative interview.  This and so much more on this week's episode of Vegetable Gardening! In this episode, here's what we'll cover California DroughtAnnie's StrugglesDrought SolutionsPower Players Getting InvolvedItems mentioned in this episode Authentic Haven BrandAnnie of TwitterAbout this week's guest Annie Haven Haven Seed Co. was established in 1853 and incorporated in 1873. Haven Seed Co. grew for commercial seed until 1968 when the focus was then turned to Manure tea which was harvested from the horses used to pull the equipment through the fields and the livestock raised to feed the workers. Haven Co. processed and packaged the manure in large "Pillow case size bags", brewed the tea, then flood irrigated the fields to restore nutrients to the soil. Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew is harvested, processed and Eco hand packaged, from Haven raised grass fed livestock, free of antibiotics, growth hormones, herbicides and pesticides. Over the past 7 years Social Media for Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew has played a big roll in the introduction of brewing and feeding cow, horse and alfalfa teas to replenish needed nutrients to the soil. Gardeners around the world have seen tremendous results in their gardens and indoor house plants once they started brewing and feeding Authentic Haven Brand Natural Brew. ABOUT THE HOST Mike Podlesny is the author of the book Vegetable Gardening for the Average Person as well as the creator of the Seeds of the Month Club where members receive non gmo, heirloom variety seeds every month. You can listen to Mike each week on the Vegetable Gardening Podcast where he interviews gardening industry experts.