Viral Sugar Podcast 8-24-11

Viral Sugar show

Summary: It’s just a two man podcast as Chris goes more in-depth with Catherine, his displeasure with off beat video game content and why the new DMC game doesn’t go down the different path far enough. While Jude finally gets his hands on Dragon Age II and talks of the possibilities of going pro in League of Legends. They also talk about all the happenings from Gamescon, PSP’s, Home’s and 3DS’.<br> As always feel free to give us some love on our itunes account <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>. Or just subscribe to our RSS feed <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.<br> If you want to send us feedback or ask us any questions, feel free to send us emails <a href="">here</a>.<br> <br>