TechByter Worldwide 2016.08.21: Finally, a Near-Perfect Email App for Android; Beware Business Email Compromise Attacks; Short Circuits; and Spare Parts.

TechByter Worldwide (formerly Technology Corner) with Bill Blinn show

Summary: If you use an Android tablet or smart phone to send and receive email, there's an app you should take a look at. Business email compromise attacks have become the in thing for scammers. In Short Circuits No operating system is perfectly safe, but a surprising find shows that even operating systems that are considered to be more secure sometimes aren't. USB-C is just around the corner and faster speed isn't the only advantage it will bring. Trying to extort half a billion dollars from the National Security Agency. The Social Security Administration has decided not to require two-factor authentication after all. In Spare Parts (only on the website): Crowd-based research is being used to fight diseases such as dengue fever, zika, and malaria and there's lots of competition for the operating systems that will run our future automobiles.