124期:现场·当我在跑马拉松时我会聊什么 – What am I talking about when I am running a marathon

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   所有描写和描述跑步的文章,都是在跑步之前或之后。这期节目,是在我参加2014杭州国际马拉松全程比赛的途中现场录制的。连续几个小时跑在路上的真实感受会是怎样?不论你是否喜欢跑步这项运动,这都是一期非常值得一听的节目。 All the articles describing running are written before or after running itself. But this episode was recorded during my running on Hangzhou International Marathon 2014. What is the real feeling and situation of running hours on the road? This is an episode worth to listen no matter you like running or not.