133期:阅读:当大恐龙还是养长尾巴? – Dinosaur or Long Tail?

狗熊有话说 show

Summary:   《连线》杂志的前总编Chris Anderson在10年前提出过一个叫做“长尾”的理论,用来描述亚马逊等网络公司的商业模式,10年后,Anderson已经跑去搞3D打印了,但长尾理论的踪迹却已经无处不在。长尾频出的时代,也正是我们迈向新的社会形态的必经阶段。读《长尾理论》这本书时,我顺手把自己2014年制作的9期视频播客的优酷下载数据用来做实验,结果发现,下载量的数量比严格符合长尾法则。这期节目,咱们来分享一下《长尾理论》这本已经被实践证明的经典互联网理论著作。 Christ Anderson, the ex-chief editor of Wired Magazine published a theory named The Long Tail to describe the business model of internet companies such as Amazon and iTunes Store in 2004. 10 years passed, he continues his adventure in 3D-printing, and long tail is everywhere now. It’s also the necessary period for us to march into a new future. After reading the book: The Long Tail, I use the data of my video cast to test the theory, as a result, it’s a perfect long tail. In this episode, I’d like to share my feelings about the book: The Long Tail. 相关 图书:《长尾理论》 – The Long Tail 本期音乐:Owl City – Good Time (Demo) – demo