603 – “Noblesse Oblige”

Justified Podcast show

Summary: Another incredibly strong episode of Justified, “Noblesse Oblige”… all of the show’s cards are on the table, saving Ava, who remains the wild card.  Now we just get to sit back, and watch to see who walks away from the table a winner, and who just doesn’t get to walk away.  We talk banana hammocks, Mundo’s crush on Ava, the menace that is a drawling, smiling Sam Elliot on a front porch, and Rachel getting to try on Art’s shoes as she struggles to deal with the reality of being Raylan’s boss. All this, and lots of your great feedback!  See you next week!<br> If you want to give us a shout out, or otherwise give us a piece of your mind, <a title="Email Justified Podcast" href="mailto:justified@baldmove.com">email</a> us, check us out on <a title="Bald Move on Facebook" href="http://www.facebook.com/baldmove">Facebook</a>, or <a title="Bald Move on Twitter" href="http://twitter.com/baldmove">Tweet</a> us. If you want to directly support the podcasts we make, please check out our pages on <a title="Bald Move on Subbable" href="http://www.subbable.com/baldmove">Subbable</a> and <a title="Bald Move on Patreon" href="http://www.patreon.com/baldmove">Patreon</a>, and earn some cool rewards and bonus features! As always, we appreciate any love you can give us on <a title="Justified Podcast on iTunes" href="http://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/justified-podcast/id493417698?mt=2&amp;uo=4&amp;at=10l592">iTunes</a>, and your patronage of our <a href="http://www.amazon.com/?tag=baldmove-20">Amazon affiliate link</a>, <a href="http://www.amazon.com/?tag=baldmove-20">amazon.baldmove.com</a>. Remember, when you use our affiliate link, you get the same great prices, the same great shipping, you just send a little bit of love our way, courtesy of Amazon.<br>